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Axonopus fissifolius
Narrowleaf carpet grass
Formerly Axonopus affinis. Carpet Grass AgriCOTE (sold by Barenbrug Australia).
Closely related to broadleaf carpetgrass. While its leaf blades are appreciably narrower (50-60%) than those of broadleaf carpetgrass, narrowleaf carpetgrass is still a coarse-textured species. It is more drought tolerant and better suited to drier shallower soils than broadleaf carpet grass, and is typically the dominant species in low soil fertility turfed areas. Narrowleaf carpet grows best within Queensland and Northern New South Wales. It can also be found growing quiet happily growing within moist, well-watered soil, but not water-logged conditions. Narrowleaf carpet grass as a managed turfgrass, forms a moderately dense sward of medium quality turf with a generally shallow root system (Source: modified from former Redlands DPI Technical Notes (DAF)). Commonly found growing within parks and roadsides that have low soil fertility, has shallow soil and contains a mixture of turf species.
Establishes easily from seed. New seed sowing rate is from 0.8 kg to 1 kg/100m2 during late spring through summer. Seed is available in 25 kg bags. Does not tolerate close mowing. Mow to 40 mm in height during the wet season and lower to 30 mm during the dry season.
Pests, disease and weeds
Check to see which Pests, Diseases and or Weeds this turf variety may be susceptible to and how to successfully control them in your home lawn or sports turf.