
There has been considerable research and development undertaken over the last 30 plus years to provide more target specific pesticides at much lower rates of active ingredient, which are less persistent and often less toxic to both humans and non-target species. Pesticides, when used, should also be adopted as part of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program to demonstrate wider environmental awareness.



Poisons helpline, for fast poisoning advice 24 hours, 7 days a week, from anywhere in Australia, call 131126. Information Centre Informaion: QLD Poisons Information Centre, NSW Poisons Information Centre, WA Poisons Information Centre, VIC Poisons Information Centre.


Scheduling or classification

Pesticide containers within Australia are to clearly label the contents of the poison included within as stated within the Poisons Standard. This must be with the signal word or words relating to the Schedule in which the poison is included and the purpose for which it is to be used. For turf related pesticides the following Poison Schedules are seen:

  • Unscheduled - Exempt from poison scheduling
  • Schedule 5 - CAUTION
  • Schedule 6 - POISON
  • Schedule 7 - DANGEROUS POISON


Refer to either of the two sub-categories provided below for homeowner or sports turf pesticide usage.

Home garden and domestic pest-control products are products that contain an agricultural chemical and are available to the general public through normal retail outlets. Home garden products are for use on vegetables, fruit, trees, ornamentals, lawns and other areas around private dwellings, for the control of diseases, insect pests, weeds, snails, slugs and rodents. Private dwelling means a private dwelling house, boarding house, apartment house, common lodging house or special accommodation house. Domestic pest-control products are mainly used inside private dwellings to control common insect pests such as cockroaches, ants, spiders, silverfish, flies, mosquitoes and fleas.

For both home garden and domestic pest-control products:

  • the agricultural chemical product must either be classified as exempt from poison scheduling or it must be a Schedule 5 or Schedule 6 poison as listed in the Poisons Standard
  • there is flexibility in the pack size; commonly home garden packs have an upper size limit of approximately 1 litre or 1 kilogram; however, some ready-to-use products may exceed this, where products are ready to use or very dilute
  • the treated vegetables and fruit should be primarily grown for personal consumption; that is, they should not be grown on a commercial scale or for sale
  • no special precautions or personal protective equipment should be required for preparation and use of the agricultural chemical products or disposal of the product and its container—for example persons preparing or using the chemicals should not need any of the following: protective waterproof clothing, PVC or rubber apron, elbow-length PVC gloves, face shield, goggles, impervious footwear, half- or full-face respirator, or breathing apparatus with air supply. Containers should be able to be discarded by placing in household garbage without undue hazard.
  • the product is to be used and applied as per label recommendations. 

Schedule 7: DANGEROUS POISON products are NOT TO BE USED. They are considered to be too toxic for use by householders or home gardeners; hence, they must not be labelled as home garden or domestic pest-control products.

Source content modified from the Ag Labelling Code within the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) <>

Firstly, it is importatnt to know what turf species or different species you have in your lawn. This is because different herbicides have different mode of actions and therefore react differently across some grass species, but also weeds. Unsuitable herbicides may damage or even kill your lawn from what is called phytotoxicity damage.  

If a turf pest is present within your lawn, a curative (knockdown) insecticide should be used. A preventative insecticide can be applied after control has been achevied to prevent future outbreaks. Follow product label instructions at all times.

Different herbicides work differently. The selective herbicide product must be registered for the speces or variety of turf you have. This will be clearly identified on the product label. If the selective herbicide states that you are to spot spray, please do so. If the product label states that some damage to lawns is expected; it is recommended that a test spot spray or strip be sprayed so you can see how your turfgrass will result. Damage may be negligible to minor with recovery expected. Alternatively, damage could be substantial to a complete loss of turf. 

Qualified industry professionals are able to use poisons that are Scheduled 5, 6 or 7 depending on their Authorisation and Current License(s). Schedule 7 poisons have a high potential for causing harm at low exposure. They are only available to authorised users that have the skills to handle them safely. All pesticides are to be used and applied as per label recommendations. 

Application Rate

A = Liquid flow (nozzle output) for 1 minute

Nozzle output/flow rate= [...............] L/min (A)

B = Area to be sprayed (width x distance)

Width (swath width (m)) = [...............]  (W)
Distance (travelled (m/min)) = [...............]  (D)
[...............]  x D [...............]  = [...............]  m2 (B)

Therefore the application rate equals =

[...............]  / B [...............]  x 10,000 = [...............]  L/ha (C). Note: Do not round the latter value off/up.


Amount of pesticide to add to the tank

Spray tank size = [...............]  L
Application rate =  [...............]  L/ha (C)
Chemical rate =  [...............]  L/ha (label rate)

Tanks size [...............]  L / application rate [...............]  L/ha x chemical rate [...............]  L/ha = [...............]  L required.

250 GT Turf Fungicide


Turf Fungicide

Bumper 625 EC


Chief Aquaflo


Turf Fungicide

Dacogreen WeatherShield


Turf Fungicide

Dedicate Turf and Ornamental Fungicide


Turf Fungicide



Turf Fungicide

Heritage Maxx Fungicide


Preventative Turf Fungicide

Monstar SC


Turf Fungicide

Posterity Turf Fungicide


Preventative and Curative Turf Fungicide



Turf Fungicide

Subdue Maxx Turf Fungicide


Preventative and curative Turf Fungicide

Apparent Halosulfuron 750WG


Bow & Arrow Herbicide


Casper Turf Herbicide


Turf Herbicide



Kenpra 750 WG Herbicide


Lawn Solutions Australia All Purpose Weed Control


Methar Tri-Kombi


Turf Herbicide

Monument Liquid Turf Herbicide


Turf Herbicide

Munns Professional Weed Control Winter Grass Killer




Turf Herbicide

Surefire Buffalo, Bindi & Broadleaf Weedkiller


Surefire Dicamba M


Yates Bindii & Clover Weedkiller Concentrate


Yates Buffalo PRO Weed 'n' Feed Granular


Yates Buffalo Pro Weed 'n' Feed Hose-On


Yates Buffalo Pro Weedkiller Bindii & Clover Concentrate


Yates Weed 'n' Feed Granular


Yates Weed 'n' Feed Hose-On




Turf Insecticide

Acelepryn GR


Turf Insecticide

Agador Turf Nematicide and Miticide


Turf Insecticide

Apollo SC Miticide


Ovicidal (egg control) Miticide

Biff 100SC


Turf Insecticide



Higran Turf Miticide


Early Curative Miticide 

Lawn Solutions Australia Grub Guard


Surefire Fipronil Granular Ant Killer


Surefire Fivestar


Tempo Xtra Turf and Ornamental Insecticide




Yates Baythroid Advanced for Lawns


Yates Grub Kill & Protect for Lawns - Granular


Yates Grub Kill & Protect for Lawns - Liquid


Acelepryn technology




Bayer Ronstar





Pre-Emergent Herbicide

Lawn Solutions OxaFert


Pre-emergent herbicide with fertiliser 16 (N) - 2 (P) - 6 (K) - 16 (S) + 1.5 (Fe) 0.2 (Mn) 0.2

OxaFert 16-2-6


Pre-emergent herbicide with fertiliser 16 (N) - 2 (P) - 6 (K) - 16 (S) + 1.5 (Fe) and 0.2 (Mn)

Sierraron 4G


Pre-Emergent Herbicide

Specticle Herbicide




