
Cynodon dactylon x C. transvaalensis

Scientific name

Cynodon dactylon x C. transvaalensis

Common name

Dwarf hybrid green couch

Other names (PBR name, trademark, breeder code)

TifEagle (was formerly protected by Australian Plant Breeder's Rights and United States Plant Patent), TW72 (breeder's code).


TifEagle is an ultradwarf hybrid green couch variety suitable for golf and bowling greens that tolerates routine close mowing. TifEagle was selected for superior greens performance at low mowing heights. Leaves 10.2 mm long and 1.14 mm wide. Internodes short: 10.5 mm (fourth visible stolon internode). Produces a large number of shoots at short mowing heights. Stems 1 mm or less in diameter. Light green leaves. TifEagle retains its light green colour in cooler periods. Appears to have less anthocyanin (red pigment) in the leaves than comparable varieties; TifEagle purples under mild winters conditions in South East Queensland.

Other comments

TifEagle rarely produces seed heads. Very low weed potential. Retains colour at low mowing heights used to give faster ball speed. Designed for intensively managed golf greens. Thatch build-up needs to be controlled. Tolerates mowing 3 to 5 mm and requires frequent verticutting to remove thatch. Research by Bunnel et al. (2005) identified that few differences in turf quality existed when 8 or 12 hours of sunlight was available to the plant, whereas at 4 hours growth and performance was adversely effected. It was also highlighted that TifEagle was worse off when subject to afternoon shade than morning shade.

Pests, disease and weeds
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Turf available from these suppliers

Available in Sod/turf
Use Golf or bowls
Suitable climate classification Subtropical and Tropical and Temperate
Preferred mowing height 4mm - 8mm
Shade tolerance Poor
Wear tolerance Good
Cold tolerance Moderate
Heat tolerance Good
Salinity tolerance Moderate
Water requirement Low
Fertiliser requirement Moderate
Mowing frequency High
Thatch production Moderate
Facebook N/A
References Read more  
  • Australian PBR has expired. The PBR was to expire in Australia on the 22 May 2022. However, the Title Holder (The United States of America, as represented by the Secretary of Agriculture) did not renew it's Australian PBR in 2021. Read more at http://pericles.ipaustralia.gov.au/pbr_db/search.cfm and search 'TifEagle’ in the variety field.
  • Bunnell, B. T., McCarty, L. B., Faust, J. E., Bridges, W. C., & Rajapakse, N. C. (2005). Quantifying a daily light integral requirement of a ‘TifEagle’bermudagrass golf green. Crop science, 45(2), 569-574.
  • Loch, D.S. & Hanna, W.W (2001). ‘Cynodon transvaalensis x Cynodon dactylon Hybrid Bermuda Grass 'TifEagle'’, Plant Varieties Journal, vol. 14, no.3, pp. 23-24.
  • Hanna, W.W. (1999). Bermudagrass named 'TifEagle', US Plant Patent 11,163.
  • Hanna, W.W .& Elsner, J.E. (1999). ‘Registration of 'TifEagle' bermudagrass’, Crop Science, vol. 39, no. 4, p. 1258.
  • Poulter, R.E. and Bauer, B.K. (2010). TU06006: Establishment and Management of Salt-Tolerant Amenity Grasses to Reduce Urban Salinity Effects. Final Project Report for Horticulture Australia Ltd.

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Cynodon dactylon x C. transvaalensis