Cynodon dactylon x C. transvaalensis
Dwarf hybrid green couch
Tifton 328 (breeder's code); Tif 328
Tifgreen is a dwarf 1st generation variety of hybrid green couch variety suitable for golf and bowling greens that tolerates routine close mowing. Tifgreen was the first fine textured turfgrass selected and used for the improvement of varietal selection on golf greens where warm-season turfgrass were planted. Tifgreen was released in the United States in 1965 (Anderson and Sharp, 1995). Tifgreen has a tall growing habit in comparison to new "ultradwarf" varieties. In comparison to the new(er) ultradwarf varieteis, Tifgreen does not easily produce a dense, tight and even putting surface; green speed is also slower.
Tifgreen is one of two (the other is 'Tifdwarf') industry standards used as a greens quality grass within the golf and bowls industry today. Thatch development of Tifgreen is considerably less than the new(er) "ultradwarf" varieties used today. When sand topdressing, following renovation or management to reduce thatch, Tifgreen "takes up" the sand much easier than some ultradwarf varieties because of the lack of density present. Tifgeen has been reported as being slow to recover from summer drought. Fast recovery of leaf tip burn from chemicals or growth regulators because of its fast growing habit. For additional information on Tifgreen's performance in Australia please refer to Roche et al. (2010).
Pests, disease and weeds
Check to see which Pests, Diseases and or Weeds this turf variety may be susceptible to and how to successfully control them in your home lawn or sports turf.