Stenotaphrum secundatum
TF01 (protected by Australian Plant Breeder's Rights); Limerick™ (trade mark of J & R AG. PTY LTD); Jabiru® (former registered trade mark used of Fraser Investment Group Pty Ltd).
Limerick™ is a coarse-testured buffalograss that grows well in heavily shaded areas. The Australian buffalo variety has fast lateral growth and requires less mowing than some other commercial buffalo grass varieties. Limerick™ has a dark green and posses good winter colour.
DNA profiling by The University of Queensland through ISSR techniques identified that TF01 is a unique Australian buffalo grass variety.
Pests, disease and weeds
Check to see which Pests, Diseases and or Weeds this turf variety may be susceptible to and how to successfully control them in your home lawn or sports turf.