Stenotaphrum secundatum
'ST-85' (formerly protected by Australian Patent). ST referred to Shade-Tolerant.
'ST-85' is a relatively slow growing buffalograss which is highly susceptible to many "selective" herbicides used for the control of broadleaf weeds. The variety has a shallow root system and has poor colour retention in winter; spring green-up is also slow.
'ST-85' was selected as a dwarf seedling from a cross between ST-19 and ‘Seville’ (US PP4,097; Riordan et al., 1980). ST-85 was not patented in the USA. 'ST-85' possessed better salinity tolerance compared against Palmetto, Sapphire, ST-26, Sir Walter, Velvet and ST-91 in replicated salinity studies conducted by Poulter et al. (2006). 'ST' buffalograss varieties are known to possess poor tolerance to selective herbicides. Speak to your turf producer to identify suitable Integrated Pest Management (IPM) options for the control of common pests and weed species.
Pests, disease and weeds
Check to see which Pests, Diseases and or Weeds this turf variety may be susceptible to and how to successfully control them in your home lawn or sports turf.