Trifolium repens


Other common names:

White clover.



White clover (Trifolium repens) is a perennial broadleaf weed that grows in mat-patches up to 1m wide during spring and summer. Leaves are oval to heart-shaped and are generally arranged in whorls of three's. Leaves often have a distinct white watermark present on the leaves. Flowers are white, often with a pink tinge. The weed is rhizomatous and stoloniferous, with stems rooting at the nodes. Reproduction is by seed.

Clover tolerates close mowing.

A strong clover (or other legume) component is good indicator of high soil P levels, because these species typically require more P for growth than a grass does (Loch, 2006).


Susceptible Turf:

Warm- and cool-season turfgrasses.



Loch, D. (2006), Soil Nutrient Testing: How to Get Meaningful Results in Healthy Soils for Great Turf—Proceedings of a workshop held at Cleveland, 20 February 2006, p. 13-22.


Control options:

  • Pesticides: Control is generally post-emergent. See available tabs below for registered products. Use as per label instructions.
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Most organic controls have limited use within established turf. Use a combination of approaches listed on this page.
  • Cultural: Routine mowing to prevent/reduce flowering and seeding.
  • Mechanical: Nil.



Turf Finder or its developer accepts with no responsibility for any consequences whatsoever resulting from the use of any information or product(s) listed herein. Products are to be applied as per label instructions.

Control Options

Bow & Arrow Herbicide




Lawn Solutions Australia All Purpose Weed Control


Methar Tri-Kombi


Turf Herbicide

Monument Liquid Turf Herbicide


Turf Herbicide

Surefire Buffalo, Bindi & Broadleaf Weedkiller


Surefire Dicamba M


Yates Bindii & Clover Weedkiller Concentrate


Yates Buffalo PRO Weed 'n' Feed Granular


Yates Buffalo Pro Weed 'n' Feed Hose-On


Yates Buffalo Pro Weedkiller Bindii & Clover Concentrate


Yates Weed 'n' Feed Granular


Yates Weed 'n' Feed Hose-On


Bow & Arrow Herbicide




Methar Tri-Kombi


Turf Herbicide

Monument Liquid Turf Herbicide


Turf Herbicide

Specticle Herbicide



Surefire Buffalo, Bindi & Broadleaf Weedkiller


Surefire Dicamba M