Euphorbia prostrata

Red caustic weed

Other common names:

Euphorbia, creeping spurge, red caustic creeper, Synonyms: Chamaesyce prostrata.



The prostrate herbaceous weed is commonly found in garden beds, between pavers and cracks and in turfgrass that produces low density cover. The redish to purple plant has stems which can grow up to 20 cm long contain sapy white milk. It oblong to obovate leaves are 3 to 8 mm long and 1 to 5 mm wide. Seeds are 1 mm long, pale brown, often with a whitish bloom. The weed reproduces by seed.


Susceptible Turf:

Predominantly warm-season, but also cool-season turf grass varieties.


Control options:

  • Pesticides: See available tabs below for registered products. Use as per label instructions.
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Use a combination of approaches listed on this page.
  • Cultural: Nil.
  • Mechanical: Nil.



Turf Finder or its developer accepts with no responsibility for any consequences whatsoever resulting from the use of any information or product(s) listed herein. Products are to be applied as per label instructions.

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