Bothriochloa pertusa

Indian bluegrass

Other common names:

Indian couch, Pitted bluestem.



Indian bluegrass is an exotic grass naturalised in many parts of Queensland; it can also be found growing in the Northern Territory and to a lesser extent Western Australia; Indian bluegrass was introduced into Australia in the 1930s and in 1950, with genotypes coming from India and to a lesser extent, Africa (Spiegel, 2016). Many of the genotypes differ in the growth and habit, along with their reproduction method e.g. prolific flowering and seeding. The weed is commonly seen along footpaths and parks within older suburbs. However, where other grasses might not grow, Indian bluegrass may be an alternative; two older varieties include 'Dawson' and 'Emerald Downs'. 


Other characteristics include:

  • Weakly tufted stoloniferous grass;
  • Spreads by seeds and runners;
  • 3-8 racemes, bent awns;
  • Fringed membranous ligule;
  • Very drought hardy;
  • Widely naturalised in dry tropics (500-900 mm rainfall);
  • Tolerates wide range of soils;
  • Persistent in moderate to low fertility soils;
  • Rapidly covers bare ground; and
  • Not tolerant of prolonged water-logging or drought.


Control options:

  • Pesticides: See available tabs below for registered products. Use as per label instructions.
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Use a combination of approaches listed on this page.
  • Cultural: Nil.
  • Mechanical: Nil.



Turf Finder or its developer accepts with no responsibility for any consequences whatsoever resulting from the use of any information or product(s) listed herein. Products are to be applied as per label instructions.

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